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Company Goals

Company Goals are defined as the KPIs to be achieved at individual, team and company level.

Organisational Level

The mission and goals of my team are well aligned with the organization’s mission and goals.​

Individuals and teams have clearly defined goals that relate to the goals or mission of the organization.​

Individuals, teams, and functional areas often have incompatible goals.​

The employees of this company are strongly committed to a shared mission.​

We as a company constantly stretch our goals, to continuously improve. ​

Team Level

We set and meet challenging goals.

We make sure our work helps the organization achieve its goals.​

Our team has a meaningful, shared purpose.​

We are strongly committed to a shared mission.​

We focus on big-picture strategic issues as much as on day-to-day activities.​

Individual Level

I am often expected to reach goals that I believe are unattainable.

I am measured and rewarded according to how well goals are achieved.​

I understand how my unit contributes to the goals of the organization​.

I am familiar with the purpose and direction of our organization​.

I  feel empowered to set my own goals that align with the company's objectives​.

To ensure proper attribution of the questions used in our assessment, please note the following sources:

Question 1, 4: London Leadership Academy. (n.d.). Team Effectiveness Diagnostic. URL:
Question 2, 3, 5: Sashkin, M. (1984). Organizational Culture Assessment Questionnaire (OCAQ). A comprehensive tool to evaluate how well individuals' goals align with organizational objectives. URL:
Question 6-10: London Leadership Academy. (n.d.). Team Effectiveness Diagnostic. URL:
Question 11-15: Sashkin, M. (1984). Organizational Culture Assessment Questionnaire (OCAQ). A comprehensive tool to evaluate how well individuals' goals align with organizational objectives. URL:

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